There are some things in the Bible that I just don't understand. How could multiple wives be a good idea? That's just stupidity. Why would Lot offer up his virgin daughters? That's just wrong! And I don't get this slavery issue, in Nehemiah 5.
The common folks are having a tough time in a rough economy. Their families are in crisis. They are mortgaging their fields to get grain, borrowing money to pay taxes AND subjecting their children to slavery! Why? Because their "brethren", the nobles and officials, are demanding it for selfish gain. Now, I understand the wrongfulness of the rich...Greed. What I don't understand is the regulations of the slavery issue.
In Leviticus 25:39-46, the guidelines for slavery are given. It clearly states that the Israelites are not to be sold as slaves. They are God's servants so "do not rule over them ruthlessly". (25:42-43) can buy male and female slaves from the nations around you. And apparently you can treat them ruthlessly, if you want. There is no warning about how you treat them. Slavery was common in the world at the time, I guess. And human behavior is the same in all men. But treating another human (or work beast, for that matter) ruthlessly is wrong. It's an outward expression of an inward ugliness.
The outward expressions of man's inward ugliness is seen in our world everyday. You can certainly see it on the world news, but you can also see it in our own small town. Kids in homes that aren't safe, families without homes at all, and the empty eyes of those all around us. We have what the world needs. We have the relationship that they are missing. We must reach out and tell others about the love of Christ and how He, alone, can change the inward ugliness to righteousness and beauty!
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