Friday, February 25, 2011

Victories in Our Lives

  Victories take many forms.  The Branson Men's Basketball team has experienced victory on the court this year and will play in a Championship game tonight.  The people of Egypt recently experienced victory that they hope will lead to more freedoms in their country.  Just last week, my cousin received victory over a drug addiction that plagued him most of his life.  While studying about Nehemiah's victory, I came across this quote....

"Every victory in our life should take us deeper into praise. If we are not praising God more, and more deeply, with each passing year, are we really having much victory? Maybe we are making it "through" tough times - but coming out more bitter and sour than ever. That is not God's victory! His victory leads to a sweeter spirit, and deeper praise! "                 
    David Guzik’s Commentaries on the Bible

The victory of finishing the Jerusalem wall in 52 days was clearly a God victory.  It couldn't have been done by man alone.  This makes me stop and consider my own victories in life.  What good are my victories?  I want to be a part of God's victories! 

Now, I believe, everyday I am engaged in what will be another of God's victories.  My part, as Mom, is to train my children in God's ways.  To love and encourage them. To live a life that centers around God, not one that only lets God in on Sundays and holidays. (Duet. 12..loosely paraphrased)  My children are some of God's Victories.  Some of his finest work! (A little bragging? Shouldn't we all feel that way?)

So again, I look at my life.  God has carried me through some tough things.  He has shown me victories in my life.  And as I rely on him more and more, I see how truly great He is.  I see how He loves me.  And I see that the victories that matter are the ones that cause me to praise Him more!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Inward Ugliness

There are some things in the Bible that I just don't understand.  How could multiple wives be a good idea?  That's just stupidity.  Why would Lot offer up his virgin daughters?  That's just wrong!  And I don't get this slavery issue, in Nehemiah 5.

The common folks are having a tough time in a rough economy.  Their families are in crisis.  They are mortgaging  their fields to get grain, borrowing money to pay taxes AND subjecting their children to slavery!  Why?  Because their "brethren", the nobles and officials, are demanding it for selfish gain.  Now, I understand the wrongfulness of the rich...Greed.  What I don't understand is the regulations of the slavery issue.

In Leviticus 25:39-46, the guidelines for slavery are given.  It clearly states that the Israelites are not to be sold as slaves.  They are God's servants so "do not rule over them ruthlessly". (25:42-43) can buy male and female slaves from the nations around you.  And apparently you can treat them ruthlessly, if you want.  There is no warning about how you treat them.    Slavery was common in the world at the time, I guess.  And human behavior is the same in all men.  But treating another human (or work beast, for that matter) ruthlessly is wrong.  It's an outward expression of an inward ugliness. 

The outward expressions of man's inward ugliness is seen in our world everyday.  You can certainly see it on the world news, but you can also see it in our own small town.  Kids in homes that aren't safe, families without homes at all, and the empty eyes of those all around us.  We have what the world needs.  We have the relationship that they are missing.  We must reach out and tell others about the love of Christ and how He, alone, can change the inward ugliness to righteousness and beauty!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Did Nehemiah skype?

Early this morning I was reading about the opposition that Nehemiah faced with his wall project.  Now, this opposition began long before the work really started.  It began when Sanballat (the Horonite) heard about Nehemiah's concern for Jerusalem.  According to  few articles that I found, Sanballat was a Samraitan and a leader of the Persian Empire (probably the Samaritan Governor).  So I guess he was informed about all-things political.  But still....

Nehemiah was in Susa and by my map, Jerusalem is a good 2.5 inches away.  That's least 800 miles as the crow flies, but more like 1300 miles as the camel walks.  If Sanballat was in Susa, then I can see how he would hear the news so quickly and try to shut Nehemiah down.  But...if Sanballat was in Samaria (just north of Jerusalem), how did he get the news about Nehemiah's plan so quickly? 

A little later in the morning, Dovie came in to ask if I wanted to say hi to our friend Mindy.  Mindy is in Cambodia right now, on a mission trip working to stop human trafficking.   We skyped.  I know what Mindy is doing right now.  I don't have to wait for someone to travel 8400 miles(approximately) to tell me what Mindy is up to.

Our world is really smaller than we think.  We can be in touch with people all around the world with just a click of a mouse.  Oh that I would have concern for my brothers and sisters in Christ like Nehemiah did.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm new at this...

Well, this is new for me.  I'm thinking outside of my box.  Trying new things.  So be patient with me....please.

I enjoy being in a woman's group.  I'm always up for good discussion.  I like "doing life" with my friends.  I love the Word of God and nothing is more exciting than to see spiritual growth in the making.  That's what Tuesday mornings have been for me.  I've been meeting with my friends for the last 5 years.  The groups varies, the day may change.  But the idea is still the same.  Getting to know my God in a deeper way by digging into his word and sharing thoughts with my friends.

That's what this blog is about.  A new step for Tuesdays.  We'll still be meeting for study on Tuesday mornings (starting at Clocker's, but the venue may change).  But I'll also have the lessons and points of discussion posted  each week.  I hope that you will share ideas here, as well.

So,  here's to  something new!!